End of Year Best Practices for Schoology Courses

Amber Matty
Amber Matty

Amber is an educator with a passion for teaching, learning, creating, and exploring. She has been an educator for 12 years, with experience in elementary education and standards based technology integration in grades K-12.

Viewing Archived Courses

Please note: All grades are due into Schoology by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. WCS 2020-2021 school year courses will archive after 11:59 pm on June 8, 2021.

Courses are associated with grading periods in Schoology. Courses archive after the end date of the grading period passes. The course will no longer display in the Courses list, making room for new courses. When a course is archived, Course Admins can view the course in the Archived area of My Courses indefinitely. Archived courses do not expire. When a course archives, you still have access to all course materials, gradebook, student submissions, and the roster.  Please Reach out to your System Administrator with any questions.

Seven days prior to the end of a grading period, you may see a message at the top of Schoology with a warning that the grading period will end. In the course profile, you may also see a message at the top of the course with details regarding the approaching end date. After the end date of the grading period, courses are not archived until a 24 to 30-hour grace period has passed.

If a course you administer has disappeared from the Courses, it may have been archived. See Help! My courses are missing! for other scenarios in which a teacher might not see courses in this area.

Important Notes:

  • No course content or enrollments will be lost during the archival process.
  • Instructors can still enter grades in archived courses, however, they may not pass back to WVEIS. Please follow guidelines sent from MIS regarding due dates for grade reporting to ensure your grades will be synced with WVEIS. ***All Term 4 grades are to be entered into Schoology by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, June 8, 2021.  
  • Archived courses are not accessible from the Schoology iOS or Android apps.
  • Notifications and student completion rules are not supported in archived courses.

To access an archived course after the grading period has ended:

  1. Click Courses in the header.
  2. Select My Courses.
  3. Select Archived to see a complete list of archived courses sorted by grading period.

Reviewing Gradebook Items Using Bulk Edit

Check to make sure all grades are published

Having unpublished items in your courses at the time of grade pull is the leading cause of missing grades in WVEIS during grade report time. Checking your materials in Bulk Edit will help you make sure items are published and will be included in grades synced with WVEIS. You may have set some of your materials to Unpublished throughout the school year to prevent students from accessing those items. Unpublishing an item also removes the item from students’ grade report that is visible to them in Schoology. If you have unpublished an item to prevent students from accessing it, but you want the received grades for that item to factor into the student’s calculated grade, you must re-publish the material(s).

Use the Bulk Edit tool to see all of your materials at a glance, and to modify materials in bulk:

  1. Go to your course.
  2. Click Gradebook.
  3. Click the vertical three dots in the upper right corner of the gradebook.
  4. Select Bulk Edit from the drop-down menu.
  5. In your list of materials, published items are indicated by a checkmark in the second column (denoted by the green dot).
  6. Check the boxes in this column to publish materials and add them to the final grade calculation.

For more information about Bulk Edit, please visit: Where is the Bulk Edit feature?

Save your Course Materials to Resources

As a course comes to an end, you can save the materials you’ve created to your Resources. This enables you to copy your materials to future courses or share them with other educators.

Does this save a “live” version of my course or a copy?

Schoology Resources acts as a file storage area: When you save your course it creates a copy of the materials from your course to be used as a template for future courses. There is no sync between the version in your course and the copy in your resources. If you made a change in your course, this does not update the copy in Resources. This works the other direction, too; if you change the copy in Resources, that doesn’t change the original in your Courses.

Think of your current course as a written notebook with all your lesson plans. You can take that entire notebook to the copier and make an exact duplicate of all your lesson plans as they exist at that time, and then file that duplicate away for future reference. But if you change your current lesson plans, the duplicate in your file isn’t changed. 

Important Notes:

  • Course materials are saved as “templates” to Resources. Other course-specific items, such as members, student submissions, the course profile picture, and calendar events are not saved to resources. 
  • Depending on the number of materials in the course, it may take some time to save the course to Resources. In this case, you will see a message that reads, “Your large operation is currently being executed. You can access a list of your large operations from your Transfer History area.” Check out this article to learn more about Transfer History.
  • If you applied Student Completion Rules (Enterprise only) to your course, the rules are retained when the course is copied to Resources. This also means that when you copy that course content into a new course section, the original rules and sequencing are still in place. 
  • Assignments created with OneDrive Assignments will not be saved to resources due to the items being attached to specific class rosters.

Save a Course to Resources

If you wish to reuse all the materials you’ve created for the course, use the Save Course to Resources option.

To save an entire course’s materials to your Resources:

  1. Navigate to the Materials page of the course you’d like to save to Resources.
  2. Click Options at the top.
  3. Select Save Course to Resources from the drop-down menu.

4. Select the Resource Collection in which you’d like to house your course content. If you haven’t created a collection, you can add the course to your Home collection.
5. Optional: Select a folder within the collection to which you’d like to save your course material.
6. The Save as field indicates that your course materials will be saved in a new folder within the selected destination in your Resources. Within that folder, the materials remain organized in the same structure that was used in the course.

7. Click Submit to complete.

Save Individual Materials or Folders to Resources

If your course is organized into folders, you can save individual folders and their contents to Resources.

  1. Navigate to the Materials page of the course.
  2. Click gear icon to the right of the material or folder you’d like to save.
  3. Select Save to Resources from the drop-down menu.

4. Select the Resource Collection in which you’d like to house your course content. If you haven’t created a collection, you can add the course to your Home collection.
5. Optional: Select a folder within the collection to which you’d like to save your course materials.
6.If you are saving a folder, you’ll see a list of the materials within the folder that will be saved to your Resources.

7. Click Save Copy to complete.

Important Notes:

  • Course materials are saved as “templates” to Resources. Other course-specific items, such as members, student submissions, course profile picture, and calendar events are not saved to resources. 
  • If you applied Student Completion Rules to a folder, the rules are retained when the folder is copied to Resources. This also means that when you copy that folder into a new course section, the original rules and sequencing are still in place. 

Saving Rubrics

In addition to saving your course materials, you can also save individual rubrics to your Resources to reuse in another course, or to share with your Connections.

To save an existing rubric to Resources:

  1. Click Grade Setup in the left menu of your course.
  2. Click Rubrics in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click the gear icon to the right of a rubric.
  4. Select Save to Resources.

Planning Ahead for Next School Year

New courses for the 2021-2022 school year will be imported into Schoology from WVEIS at some point after July 1st. Since WVDE completes the course import process, we do not have a specific date as to when courses will be visible.

Importing Content into New Courses

To import saved content from Resources into your course, navigate to the new course section.

  1. Click Add Materials.
  2. Select the option to Import from Resources.
  3. Select the collection in which you saved your course. 
  4. Click on the folder in which the course content was saved. The name of the folder should be the name of the course section you saved to Resources.
  5. Select all items by checking the box next to the Title heading. If you prefer to import only some material, select the checkboxes next to the items you’d like included in the new course section.
  6. Click Import to complete.

Reusing your Grade Setup

Copying Grade Settings

Once your courses have been created or provisioned for you, you can copy grade settings from an archived course by navigating to Courses > My Courses Archived.

  1. Select the section from which you’d like to copy grade settings.
  2. Click Grade Setup.
  3. Click Copy Settings on the upper right.

4. Select Settings to Copy and Select Course(s) to copy to.

Importing Rubrics into New Courses

To import saved rubrics to a new course, navigate to the folder the rubric was saved in:

  1. Click the gear icon to the right of the rubric title. 
  2. Click Add to Course.
  3. Select each course you would like to add the rubric to. 

You can copy all of your Grading CategoriesGrading Scales, and Rubrics from your archived course from this school year into your new course for the next school year. Once your new courses from WVEIS are visible:

  1. Click Courses in the header.
  2. Select My Courses.
  3. Click Archived.
  4. Select the course that contains the grade setup information you want to copy.
  5. Click Grade Setup in the left menu of the archived course.
  6. Click Copy Settings in the upper-right corner of the Grade Setup screen.
  7. Select the settings to copy.
  8. Select your new course in the Select Course(s) list as the destination course.
  9. Click Copy to add the grade settings from your archived course to your new one.